Wednesday, May 5, 2010


"Keep pace with the drummer you hear, however measured or far away", Henry David Thoreau

When I cheat - or eat something that I deem to be un-diet worthy, it nags a bit on my conscience.

It especially nags when I've made a pledge to myself the night before that tomorrow is a new day and I will eat right, get in some exercise and just be good to myself.

So when I start my day with a not-so-good breakfast (it's Charity McHappy day in my city) and find myself sitting at my desk working through lunch (instead of going for a walk), I wonder how long it will take for my conscience to start sneaking up on me....

All I can do is go on.

For my lunch I will be having a large salad filled with veggies, protein and light on the dressing. Same for dinner. I will limit my carb intake and up my veggie count.

Hear that conscience?? I will beat you!


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Speaking without thinking is like shooting without taking aim...I'd love to hear from you - just be nice to each other - and me :)