Tuesday, April 20, 2010


"Progress is impossible without change; and those who cannot change their minds cannot change anything", George Bernard Shaw

I have made some progress.

I lost one pound last week.

I tracked all last week, and am tracking this week too.

My b/f and I are going to take advantage of a great opening deal of a new athletic club near his house.

It feels good. Even after feeling bad. I will keep jumping back on the weight wagon until I don't fall off anymore.

I don't want to be the fat friend.

I don't want to hate pictures I see of myself.

I don't want to buy clothes only to fit into them for now until I lose weight.

I want to lose the weight to fit into the clothes I have.

I want to be in every picture when I'm out with my friends.

I want to be the fun-loving, amazing friend I know I already am.

I'll just be a better me. A new me. A changed me.


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Speaking without thinking is like shooting without taking aim...I'd love to hear from you - just be nice to each other - and me :)